
Red alert 2 chrono legionnaire
Red alert 2 chrono legionnaire

red alert 2 chrono legionnaire red alert 2 chrono legionnaire

For me personally, rocketeers seem nowhere near as good in yr, and it's the reason I prefer using sov there. But you are all missing the root of the imbalance, where all of the allied problems stem from and are amplified by: the allied power problem. I'm afraid the rush factor is just the beginning of the alliedz problems. Perhaps there is more time for a soviet to rush on YR compared to Ra2 and this is a major problem for allieds on YR. On YR the slowness allows for a more methodical push from the soviets in the early going. The reason may have to do with the quickness, the focus on allied players getting para/rockies/grizz, etc. It's much harder for me to rush an allied player in general on Ra2 then it is on YR. However, in 1on1 combat like quick match, YR allies suffer from getting easily owned by rushes. The reason why YR players now think allieds are OP/or better than the Ra2 counterpart is because YR has nerfed into a glorified FFG 6-8 player game, where, indeed YR Allies are much stronger than Ra2 Allies. No - I'm with you here in terms of Ra2 / YR allies.

Red alert 2 chrono legionnaire